Does stSoftware perform Data Protection Impact Assessments?
Yes, stSoftware follows the APP (Australian Privacy Principles) guidelines.

When implementing new processes which are likely to result in a high risk, stSoftware shall before the processing, assess the impact of the envisaged processing operations of the protection of personal data in accordance with Australian Privacy Principles. This assessment is to ensure the safekeeping of the data subjects personal information. The assessment will contain
- A description of the processing operation and the purpose of this processing.
- Evaluation of the necessity of the processing operation.
- Assessment of the risks to the rights and freedoms of data subjects
- The measures envisaged to address the possible risks, safeguards and security measures implemented.
When necessary, stSoftware shall carry out reviews to assess if the processing is in accordance with the data protection impact assessment laid down by the APP when there is any chance of risk along with undertaking its Security checks.