Beta test our new control panel
You can see the new Control panel by setting screen version to 5.

A new responsive design for the main control panel.
Features include:-
- Responsive design
- Search box now searches articles.
- Latest emails
- Open tasks
- Alerts
- Password change, settings & log out
- Alert Menu
- Search Articles
Try out the Demo
The control panel uses a new set of menus "CONTROL_PANEL_2". Any menu changes will need to be redone.
Email Menu
Shows your latest 5 emails
Task Menu
Shows your latest 6 open tasks
Alert Menu
Load your latest 10 alerts, you can delete alerts by clicking the X icon.
New Alerts Notification
A notification is shown once you have new alerts
User Menu
You can login/logout, change password or settings here
Search Articles
Tab Context Menu
Right click a tab to quick close tabs or refresh the current tab content.